•He who controls the motor controls the fishing trip.
•Bathroom breaks are limited to lunch break.
•Lunch break is determined by the fish.
•If twitch twitch, wait wait, crank doesn’t get any bites after 30 minutes, then try twitch-wait-crank, twitch-wait-crank
•A man that has no color sense with his clothes has an amazing understanding of the difference between watermelon color and pumpkin seed color.
•Double check all labels. Spray Yum Shad can be mistaken for spray on sun screen.
•Depth finders can only be viewed by the boat operator.
•Depth finders lie about fishing being right under the boat.
•Apple cores float. Gum sinks.
•Having a bird’s nest is a way of testing your patience.
•There is as many different ways to tie knots as there are crochet stitches.
•Why do the names of knots sound like mixed drinks? I’ll have a Baja knot on the rocks. How many calories are in a Slim Beauty Knot without salt?
•It’s acceptable and normal to lubricate knots with saliva.
•Clippers are used to trim tag ends close to the knot. Same said clipper cannot be used to clip anything as weird as fingernails.
•Fishing in the Rain: first it’s “good cloud coverage, it will cool things off”, then “it’s a dizzy, it will pass”, “I like your hair fizzed out like that”, “wet tee shirts are hot” and finally, it’s “Baby, start bailing while I get in just one more cast”.
•Your husband will take the best possible picture of the FISH you are holding but neglect to notice that your hair is matted down from the hat, your eyes are close and your mouth is hanging open in mid sentence. Then he will proceed to show the picture of the “FISH” to everyone, even posting it on the web.
There appears to be many more trips in my future, so I'm sure this blog will be updated regularly.
I love this, keep it going.
OMG, FJ & I LOVED this, too funny, send it to leno. We could easily picture bubba telling you to start bailing while he kept casting.
**Still Laughing over here...**
I, too, love this. Only the wife of a true fisherman could have written this. I'm waiting for an update.
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