Love leaves a memory No one can steal."
My husband's beloved Aunt Tina passed away this week. I had met her a couple times. She was always ready with a smile and a loving hug. It's so hard to realize that a life can be taken away at a young age of 53. Colon cancer is an ugly disease. Her husband of 32 years is lost without her. I feel for the ones left behind. Her husband and her son. How do you ease some one's pain from a distance. We are here in TEXAS and the family is grieving in Maine.
Tina had worked in Crisis & Counseling for more than 20 years. She also taught adult education for the Augusta School Department. What an empty spot Tina's passing has made is so many lives.
We send our prayers to our family and hold them in our heart as they travel though this time of grief. On the other side is only the sweet and warm memories of good times filled with laughter and soft smiles.
You will be miss Aunt Tina. May the angels deliver you safely into heaven.