The Montgomery County Tea Party was held on July 2, between 5-9 pm on what could have been the hottest day of the month. After work (5:30ish) I headed over to the Lone Star Arena and was happily surprised at the traffic. The announcer said there were well over 4,000 people in attendance. There were so many signs, funny ones and very serious ones.
Tea parties are not divided into neat little political parties. This is about "We the people" being over taxed and having our liberties and freedom taken away. It's sorta like the old how do you cook a frog story. If you put a frog in boiling water, he'll jump right out but if you put him in temper water and just gradually turn up the heat he'll be cooked before he knows it. This Cap and Trade bill and the Health Care Reform scares me. As usually, I got just a little side tracked.
Jim Mcingvale (Mattress Mac) was a great speaker. He had all of us standing up and shouting. There were two other speakers that were excellent. One had escape Cuba as it was becoming a socialist county and the other was a preacher that I really admired. Plumber Joe was there too.
It's easy not to get involved and to believe that your opinion doesn't count but it's like that penny found plus another penny plus another and before you know it adds up. The future of our children and grandchildren are worth our input. We must make ourselves heard.
I'm still very disappointed that the tea parties are not getting news coverage. The one in Dallas had over 35,000 people. You would think that was news worthy.

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