I had a nasty run in with this little problem last week. I had all the symptoms. The fever, the bloating, and the pain were all there and just gradually got worse. I finally called the doctor and they worked me in that morning. Due to the pain being on the right side, I was sent for a cat scan of my appendix. I had to drink a large amount of dye. Then I laid on a table that moved me into the machine for scanning.

The doc called in some heavy duty medication and put me on a liquid diet. Just for the record, a liquid diet sucks even if you get to eat ice cream 12 different ways. The medication makes everything taste nasty. I spent a week laying around the house with my foo-foo dog. She was very sympathetic.
On the follow up visit, the dr put me on a high fiber diet.
Grain Products:whole grain breads, buns, bagels, muffins, Bran Flakes, All Bran, bran Buds, Corn bran, whole wheat Shreddies, 100% Bran and Fiber 1, Cooked cereal such as Red River and Oat Bran
whole-wheat pastas , whole grains such as barley, popcorn, corn and brown rice
dried fruits such as apricots, dates, prunes and raisins, berries such as blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries, oranges, apple with skin, avocado, kiwi, mango and pear
broccoli, spinach, swiss chard, green peas and other dark green leafy vegetables
dried peas and beans such as kidney beans, lima beans, black-eyed beans, chick peas and lentils
Nuts and Seeds:
nuts and seeds such as almonds, whole flaxseed and soynuts
The list doesn’t look too bad, except I’m to limit popcorn, nut and seeds. There is the little problem with me not being a big bread eater and I don't like pasta at all. One more follow up on Friday and hopefully I’m done with this.