We liked the glass door looking out to the back of the property. Another glass door was a must. We special order from Home Depot an extra large sliding glass door. Even though I hate dirty tracks associated with sliding doors, I felt that to free up the floor space from swing doors, this was the only option. The dh did a great job taking out the old a/c unit, enlarging the door opening and installing the new door.
The doggie door panel was easy to install with a couple of screws and the glass doors will lock onto the panel. As extra security, we got a piece of wood cut to fit into the track.
The curtains were added. At first DH thought they made the room look even smaller. I decide against a valance and placed the rod close to the ceiling. It seem to help. I love the cottage feel of the room now.
Now, I'm on the hunt for a smaller table. Maybe something square with pull out leaves. It must seat 6 when completely pulled out for family get togethers but breaks down small enough to walk around on most days.
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