Front porches are so important. They are the "wave" to the passing neighbor. The first impression to a passer-by. Mine was blah and bland. Nothing inviting that made you want to linger and sit awhile and watch the world go by.

Lowes has paint for plastic for about $4.50 a can. The primer did cover the two chairs and I need a can of red pain per chair. Total $13.50. This red is the only shade of red available.

I sanded down the small table. One can of white outdoor wood spray paint ($3.50) made the table looke great. I put on about 2 coats with an hour wait in between coats of paint.
I had some extra red paint to accent the table. I cut an old kitchen sponge and just sponge on red squares for a quickie chess table.

It's bright and cheery. Stop by. I'll make some sweet tea and whup your butt in a game of checkers.
Wow - I can't believe the difference. I really looks inviting.
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